
Podcast 1: A Discussion of the Spirit of Rejection

July 6, 2019

Abortion on demand has devastated our country. We must stand up for the unborn. We have a responsibility to speak up. This topic was a lead in to the major discussion point for this podcast which is the spirit of rejection. We pray you will challenged and encouraged that there is a way out. Embrace the power and authority given to you by Yeshua the Messiah!


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  1. Good morning and shalom, Tzefania! So good to see that God is leading you into new areas of service for the Kingdom! Blessings and shalom on your venture to share the Gospel of teh Kingdom and we pray that there may be many listening ears!

  2. Thank you so much David! I haven’t heard from you in so long. You and Marian are in our prayers with thoughts of the sweet fellowship we shared. Love and blessings to you both. This warms my heart.

  3. Tzefanyah
    Dorothy and I listened on our way driving back from the Revive Conference. Although my focus was in and out, I thought you guys did a great job!…and I could relate to many things you both shared.
    Shalom and Blessings!
    Tommy Wilson

  4. Thank you, Tzefanyah and Shlomo for this interview and teaching. We will continue to pray and support your efforts in bringing wholeness to this present Israelite restoration movement.
    It is impossible to move beyond the mountain unless YHVH goes with us.
    In the Father’s love,
    E & R

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