Yesterday while going to pick up our granddaughter we stopped by a local establishment to get a green tea latte. On the top of a landscaped wall I saw a buck and something caught my eye and I knew there was a message in it. The buck had hanging from it’s left antler sheathing from the antler itself. This buck had been in a tussle! You can see the raw redness of the antler that had been damaged. This reminded me that we are at war against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places and many times in battle there will be evidence of the tussle we have been in. Do not loose heart because of this! We are in training and Avinu (Our Father) is training our hands for war. The verse above is a reminder that in every circumstance He is in charge! No matter how hard you workout, you will never get strong enough to bend a bow of bronze! Our Maker is our might and it is Him who fights the battles for us! We pray that you’ve been blessed by this short testimony. Remember who’s in charge and hear His voice say, “I’ve got this!”