Beyond the Mountain was blessed to be in attendance at the 2018 B’ney Yosef National Congress. Since then, we have not had any subsequent congresses. It was at this Congress that you could say Beyond the Mountain was birthed! We witnessed an amazing sequence of events that we caught on video! We pray you are […]
The spirit of fear will lead us to the place where we can literally lose our sanity. If we are grounded in love, power, and a sound mind (2 Tim. 1:7), we are then positioned to combat the enemy of our souls and his strategies will come to naught as we function with clarity of […]
Was it the spirit of fear that has over taken the world providing the fuel for this plandemic? Join us in this discussion as we move “beyond the mountain”!
Ezekiel 20 is a sobering message for our time. Amidst this serious exhortation of correction there is the hope that He is bringing us back into a right relationship with Him. Our Great Shepherd is using His rod to bring the lost sheep of the House of Israel home to prepare us to be servants […]
Though this message was for Passover and Unleavened Bread, the message here is timeless. We pray that you will be blessed by this discussion. May this festival season, cause you to ride upon the wind and realize the heritage of Yaacov like never before! And may the life of Yeshua permeate through you into a […]
We finish our discussion of “the time of Jacob’s trouble” examining Jeremiah Ch. 30. Are we mired in despair getting overwhelmed with what is happening around us? Or do we see YHVH in control of life’s events? Do we see the unfolding of prophetic events as a point of hope bringing us one step closer […]
By now you are already know we are living in a time full of great upheaval. Many biblical events are unfolding rapidly in our time. Is this the time of Jacob’s Trouble? What does Scripture say about this time? How can we prepare for it? These and other questions will be investigated as we delve […]
Beyond the Mountain was blessed to interview Nathan Harmon of Nathan speaks of the next “Great Awakening” and what that looks like. While seeking Abba Father’s face out in the Arizona wilderness, Abba reveals to him about being a hunter as spoken of in Jeremiah 16: 14 “Therefore, behold, the days are coming, declares YHVH, […]
This insidious spirit is wreaking havoc in relationships. What are the elements of this spirit and what tactics does it use? How do you identify it in yourself? How do you identify a toxic relationship that involves this narcissistic spirit? Is this spirit an underling to other principalities and powers? These issues are presented and […]
Human trafficking is one of the most heinous sins that we see happening today. What do we do when we see sin happening all around us with no justice being served for the vulnerable? Have you entered into a type of frustration provoked by the enemy only to discover that hasatan himself has trafficked you? […]